Happy spring!
At your earliest convenience, if possible, please take just five minutes to submit letters to your members of Congress using the links to the left. Our website logs every letter sent, and unfortunately, just a small percentage of those receiving this Newsletter contacted their members of Congress last month. Consequently, we only gained one more cosponsor in the last 30 days. Our goal is to get 100 cosponsors and we are currently at 63.
Please don't assume that everyone else will submit a letter and doubt how much of a difference yours will make. Every letter counts! So we need each of you writing, every month, until your members of Congress are cosponsors. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and you must be persistent to get results.
A number of people have asked when our next trip to DC will be held. (You can read about the 2011 event here.) Due to the amount of planning involved, and the expense to participants, we anticipate scheduling these trips biennially. At the present time we are aiming for our next Congressional visit to take place in the early spring of 2013.
In the interim, we encourage you to schedule your own in-person meetings at your closest district offices. You can find your Representative's district office here, and your Senators' district offices here. An information packet to bring with you can be downloaded here, and you can watch some excellent webinars, such as "How to Hold an Effective Meeting with Your Legislator", here.
Although this may sound intimidating to some, I promise it will be easier than you think and you'll find it to be a rewarding and empowering experience. I am more than happy to speak with you one on one via email, or by scheduling a phone call, if you have additional questions.
Thank you for your continued support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act!
Heather Ferguson
Chair, Lymphedema Advocacy Group