Janette Cromell
I am curious if anyone has any information regarding safety of laser hair removal on legs with lymphadema?
January 7, 2013
Kathy DeRenzy
I have a 10 year female on my case load. She has moderated lymphedema of her left lower extremity. I don't have a lot of experience with pediatric lymphedema. Does any one have any suggestions? Do you use grey foam padding? I don't want to be too aggressive. Thanks Kathy
March 7, 2013
Jeremy Johnson
Can you bill a self-care when you are assisting a family member with wrapping if the patient isn't able to wrap themselves?
September 30, 2010
Eddie Dutton
We are always looking for new resources to share with those in need. I am hoping this will become one of those resources. lol
February 21, 2011