Mary Schenten
Hello, everyone. I'm very new to the whole lymphedema thing but I'm hoping to get information from everyone. I will be lurking and reading your posts. :)
October 14, 2014
Karla Sanders
Recently joined. Have invasive breast cancer and lumphedema at my lumpectomy site. Testing out a breast swell spot and arm sleeve. Anxious for infection to clear so I can return to chemo. What a journey!
November 4, 2014
Kathy Moskal
My daughter is a geneticist. She sees this as a wonderful breakthrough. Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing.
April 11, 2014
azurelle nolastname
None of this is easy! It's going to be trial and error, obviously. And I think it's very person-specific, unlike say, a sprained ankle that has a standard of care. There is no standard for this because it's too hard to nail down. Interesting that you were released for excerise -- was your swelling down and so on? Because my physical therapists (one for "reg" therapy after shoulder surgery and one for the edema) and I decided to STOP all excerise except mild stretching to keep my full exention after surgery and maybe some isometrics. In reality I've never felt "right" enough to do anything beyond limited daily tasks... and based on the last few days of me being back to square one anyway, whose to say what's right and what's wrong? I think this is going to be a matter of learning to listen to your body and what's going on with it now vs before. Of course, the signals are all scrambled, but that's just learning curve --- much like everything else!
October 29, 2014