Amy Guthrie → Pat Truman: HI Pat, I'm having the same trouble. Maybe there aren't answers posted? Moderators, can you help us out?
Amy Guthrie → Tom Freeman: Hi Tom, I also have hand lymphedema (secondary to breast cancer treatment 11 years ago, and am here to learn from others. I've been seeing a PT for decongestive therapy, which is helping, and wearing a LympheDiva glove as much as possible. I'm a... moreHi Tom, I also have hand lymphedema (secondary to breast cancer treatment 11 years ago, and am here to learn from others. I've been seeing a PT for decongestive therapy, which is helping, and wearing a LympheDiva glove as much as possible. I'm a dentist, and can't wear it when I'm in someone's mouth. My Juzo glove should be arriving tomorrow. I can't figure out how this site works, and can't access your blog entry (tho I read it earlier) so not sure if you'll see this or not. MY family is into wheels, too - '66 Mustang, '55 Chevy, and LOTS of motorcyles :-). less
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