
Arlene Daniel → pam stahlmann: I'm new to the community as well. I have stage 2 lymphadema in (mostly) right leg and am being treated with a lymphadema physical therapist in Baltimore. I also suffer from chronic pain and have an implanted pain pump, so trying to find compression... moreI'm new to the community as well. I have stage 2 lymphadema in (mostly) right leg and am being treated with a lymphadema physical therapist in Baltimore. I also suffer from chronic pain and have an implanted pain pump, so trying to find compression garments that don't push my pain level up to a 12 is not so easy. My therapist has a connection with someone at MD Anderson in Texas -- evidently he does a specialized kind of surgery that has had good results. My problem seems to be a result of surgical treatment for endometrial cancer about 8 years ago, along with tons of surgeries on my feet and legs before that. My big problem now is finding socks and pants that fit.. Anyone out there have suggestions for either of these? Thanks.. less
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May 25, 1949
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
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