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Michele E.: Hi dear. I have to tell you about the silliest most intriguing email I received right after posted yesterday. Like - oh my word! He's super mysterious so I need guidance :-)
June 30, 2011
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Girl - Diva to the rescue!!!! I just sent you a note from my private e-mail to you so feel free to send me a note!!!!!!!!!
Michele E.: Hello my dear DIVA sister girl you! I hope you are well. I've been so busy with work and just learned that I have to move to a new office - oi vey! Have a beautiful day!!
Michele E.
OH MY WORD. Can you rub some divaness on me PLEASE!!!!!! Oh my word. I've got to hop on Tour de Leeney!!! That's awesome. And 8LBS. GURL, you are just walking in the glow. I am like SOOOO happy for you . MEOW DIVA!!!
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Ummm...7 men were calling/texting Friday and on a normal day I hear from 3-4 before 8:30 am! I know - the smile just gets bigger and bigger - seems men can...
Michele E.
Girlfriend - you are awesome! I just signed up for the blog - like DUH, should have done it the first time. I think I am in learning mode and use a few DIVA lessons. :-)
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Ok - ask away or you can email me privately!!!! I have your e-mail since you just signed up cuz I got a notice. Want me to send you mine? I am not brown bag...
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Thank you...that means a lot to me. Glad you took the time to read it and talk to you soon!! Thank you for checking on me as well - TGIF!!!!
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Technology is a beautiful thing.....hope you have an awesome day! And a question - did I see that you run? Do you run with the lymphedema? My vascular surgeon tells me I need to stop focusing on running and bike but I want to run more than anything!!!!
Michele E.
:-) Yes mam. Order taken to heart! YOU TOO~
No dear - I don't run. My fun is on the eliptical (sp?). I don't think my therapist would approve of me running!! My therapist also told me that biking is better!
Michele E.
I know, I know. There's a book that I picked up dealing with the emotions that lymphedema patients go through. I left it home, but will send you the name of it. I think the author is Elizabeth McMahon. What state do you live in? I am in NY.
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
So we do deal with emotions? If I hear someone else say "it is what it is" which I say yes, but it isn't your "what is." Going to wrap them for a day and then we can discuss. I am in Missouri. Would appreciate the book name!
Michele E.
Whew - you go gurl! I have to message you this weekend on the site as my smart phone is a mess and I cannot post messages. Have a beautiful rest of the day as you are a beautiful person all of the time!
Steve Norton: Hi Leeney, Welcome to the site and please feel free to join some of the groups. I have a close colleague and friend at University of Missouri Jane Armer. Do yo know here? Best regards Steve
June 2, 2011
Leeney (Ilene) Greenwell
Thanks Steve! You will have to forgive my idea what the "groups" are but joined to learn more and process what I am dealing with.....I do not know Jane. Big campus!!!
Steve Norton
Fantastic. Welcome to the profession. I wish you the best in this important field and patient population.
cosmina cocan
I've written , but nobody put me in mind . Expect some feedbacks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Michele E.
I am delving into essential oil living. Oils have several healing properties. Does anyone have any experience with it whether topical or ingestion?