Posted Mary Angel
byJust found this site. "Bar fight gone bad on a Saturday night" is my usual response when someone asks about my thickly wrapped arm. Easier then explaining breast cancer, the removal of lymph nodes, lymphphatic&nb Read More...
Posted Jenny Sterner
byLymphedema Treatment Act Update / March Newsletter: As of this writing, HR 2499 has 62 cosponsors! Please help us reach our goal of getting to 100 this year. To view the list of cosponsors go to  Read More...
Posted cosmina cocan
byA philosophy professor stood before the class with the depratment with a few things. When the class began, without saying a word, took a large empty jar, wich he field with golf balls. Aasked the students if the ja Read More...
Posted Jenny Sterner
byThis year’s trip to DC will be Nov. 2–5, 2011. Please visit our website for complete information - Wa Read More...
Posted Jenny Sterner
byRE: Lymphedema Treatment Act Update Thank you so much to those of you who have already contacted your members of Congress. As of August 1, HR 2499 has 21 cosponsors!Please go to www.Lym Read More...
Posted Jenny Sterner
byOn May 25th a stakeholder’s meeting took place at the DC office of Congressman Larry Kissell, our bill sponsor, to review a recently completed draft of the bill. Since the start of the new Congress in January Read More...
Posted Jenny Sterner
byWe are pleased to announce two wonderful additions to our website: we now have a Resources for Patients page, ( and a sampling of submissio Read More...
Posted Liz N
byHi fellow lymphers, you are all very welcome to visit my blog about living with Lymphedema:
Posted Invalid date by Jenny Sterner
Since my last update we’ve picked up one more cosponsor – Congressman Lewis (GA-5) – bringing our total to 58. If you have not yet sent a note of thanks to Congressman Kissell for h Read More...
Posted Invalid date by Jenny Sterner
Dear HR 4662 Supporters, Due to Congress having been on recess, and everyone’s attention being focused on campaigning before that, it had been some time since we’d picked up more cosponsors. But yest Read More...